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Letters for Feb. 16

Looking back at the exciting Olympic times

Lessons to learn from women

The BC Women’s Institute (WI) is celebrating WI Week from Feb. 13 to 19. Their mandate is to provide opportunities for friendship, education and self-improvement, along with charity, community work plus having a political voice for Canada’s rural women. The Glenwood WI will be holding a bake sale on Feb. 12 from noon to 2 p.m. in the Bulkley Centre. Great goodies to satisfy your sweet tooth plus information on the Institute.

With the war won, the battles are not needed

I was just reading through Bill Vander Zalm’s message to supporters on the Fight HST website, trying to continue the flame of recall after their unsuccessful bid to oust Ida Chong on Vancouver Island.

Discovering there’s still more work ahead of me

Allow me to take a few paragraphs to ponder, yet again, on the differences between my previous home and my current one. I’m not sure if everyone cares for my views, but the more time I spend away from southern Ontario, the more I tend to chuckle about it.

Lots happening in February

Attended my first yoga class, through ElderCollege. Yoga is not for sissies. I will go back for the next two sessions, I am not a quitter.

The age old problem

The Seniors of Smithers were after Town of Smithers council to continue with their decades long tradition of providing them a Water and Sewer Grant that waives the fees for those services.

Figuring out a way around Skype

I can’t keep up! Really I find it difficult in this day and age of technology where a computer is concerned.
B.C. goes backwards on education

B.C. goes backwards on education

Government run by big business

Government run by big business