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Northern Health fails on colon cancer screening

Northern Health fails on colon cancer screening

Our health-care system is supposed to be universal, but northerners get the short end of the stick
We need your help

We need your help

Freedom of information in Canada is abysmal, a public outcry is needed
Welcome back to The Mother

Welcome back to The Mother

The day has finally come for the premiere on Netflix tomorrow (May 12).
Safety first

Safety first

April 28 is National Day of Mourning for workers who died on the job
Bye bye representation

Bye bye representation

Electoral boundaries commission effectively reduces northern representation in Victoria
Happy birthday to us

Happy birthday to us

On April 13, 1907 the first edition of this newspaper was published
Editorial: A lot that’s new out there under the sun to bring us wonder

Editorial: A lot that’s new out there under the sun to bring us wonder

Not yet identified 86 per cent of species on Earth, and 91 per cent of ocean species
Electric vehicles are ready; the North is not

Electric vehicles are ready; the North is not

This week we spoke to a dreamer who defied all logic and drove his electric vehicle the entire length of the Dempster Highway to the Arctic ocean and back, over the snowy mountains during the coldest and probably most dangerous part of winter to do so.
Parks issue requires cool heads

Parks issue requires cool heads

Revised bylaw proposes “Temporary Overnight Sheltering” for unhoused people
Houston’s mayor makes pitch for economic assistance

Houston’s mayor makes pitch for economic assistance

The forestry-dependent community in northwestern B.C. is about to lose its major employer