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VIDEO: Beaver waddles through downtown Vancouver

‘Makin’ my way downtown…’
(Courtesy Photo

It doesn’t get any more Canadian than this.

A short video of a beaver taking a leisurely stroll through downtown Vancouver has garnered attention on social media.

Posted on the Vancouver subreddit on on Jan. 7, the video gathered nearly 2,000 upvotes and 161 comments. One commenter noted beavers used to live near Olympic Village and it wasn’t unusual to see trees in the area are wire-wrapped at the stump to prevent the beavers from chewing them apart.

RELATED: Motives of bridge-crossing beaver still unclear

RELATED: Langley’s Critter Care takes in second injured beaver from Stanley Park

“He’s just heading home from work downtown like everyone else,” another commenter quipped. “Give him a break.”



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Adam Louis

About the Author: Adam Louis

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