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Allie Lake wildfire 100 per cent contained

Allie Lake wildfire 100 per cent contained

Area restriction order still in place
Evacuation order and alert lifted for Allie Lake fire area

Evacuation order and alert lifted for Allie Lake fire area

Imminent threat to lives or property diminished
More accurate mapping puts Allie Lake wildfire northwest of Kamloops estimate at 2,700 hectares

More accurate mapping puts Allie Lake wildfire northwest of Kamloops estimate at 2,700 hectares

‘We’re putting in guards and hoping to contain it soon’
70-year-old B.C. woman completes goal of donating kidney

70-year-old B.C. woman completes goal of donating kidney

“It was something I really wanted to accomplish in my life”
2 dogs die in attacks as deep snow pushes B.C. cougars out of Cariboo forests

2 dogs die in attacks as deep snow pushes B.C. cougars out of Cariboo forests

Conservation Office fielding three to five calls a week in the Cariboo due to deep snow
Petition gets 5,000 signatures and counting

Petition gets 5,000 signatures and counting

Petition against 8 Peaks proposal in Blue River still gaining traction