Never does a day go by when something of interest does not cross my path. It could be in my world of critters and birds or when I am out and about. So it was yesterday as I was shopping for food. A gentleman must have found my grocery cart items of interest. I had walked away for just a moment. When I came back this fellow was looking in my cart. Not a problem. He did look ever so much like a thunder cloud or as my mother would have said he looked a little constipated. Just the same he checked my cart three times! Maybe he forgot his list and was using my contents for inspiration.
All this started me thinking about constipation. A topic most often ignored in polite society. However, I know it is a problem for many. Take a look sometime at the products in the drug store that will give you some relief. Some will take six hours or maybe 12. Other stuff is just for women or men. Not sure what the difference is. I know the difference between men and women but not in the constipation department. There are a few handy little cookie things to eat or some kind of drink to try. Powders to mix that could be not gritty and so on.
I don't know if you are interested or not but I use psyllium powder if need be or maybe good old Carter's little Liver Pills. Do they work? Probably more than you would need to know.
Most of us know the foods that will help that bloated constipated feeling. Prunes --the good old standby. Any kind of beans are good as well. I like beans but I could become socially unacceptable -- if you know what I mean.
Berries are great. Pears, peaches -- almost any fruit. One especially good fruit for this problem is a kiwi. Tasty, healthy and full of fiber. Rye bread might be what you need.
What to avoid? Chocolate, red meat and dairy. Bananas are dandy if they are ripe --constipating of they are not. Caffeine works one way or the other.
Remember drinking a lot of water is a great way to help out.
Some of the medications you are taking could be a problem, Check with your health care provider.
Like I said this topic is not something all wish to consider but being regular is to your benefit.
To your good health! Share your ideas when you call 250-846-5095 or just e-mail to