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Youth inspiring change

Brenda is inspired by Greta Thunberg

I can get very cynical about political stuff. Talk, talk, talk about anything candidates think we will say okeydokey to. I needed a little something to inspire me. There it was right on my TV.

Sixteen-year-old Greta Thunberg speaking to UN members about the climate change crisis. This child from Sweden spoke clearly, precisely and with great passion for all the world to hear.

Such simple speech told us in no uncertain terms about the crisis our world faces. She shamed all of us saying, “You have stolen my dreams. I shouldn’t be here. I should be in school.”

We have all seen the terrible tragedies across this globe. I ask you what are we going to do about it? Many of us are past our sell-by date, but still we can do a little something.

When millions of youth around the world demonstrated about the climate crisis I know many of you took notice. Politicians make promises and plans. Greta says to those people”you have stolen my dreams with your empty words. How dare you?” She is right about the urgency of this movement. Will we ever get beyond the empty words?

We have Trump doing all he can to remove any environmental protections now in place. He is a climate change denier. science is all a hoax. If President Obama put in a rule for clean water or air, get rid of that.

There are good people in this region who try their best to help our environment. Just to think that we now find ourselves with a coal mine planned for Telkwa. Probably clean coal. Nothing can get into our water supply. Are you sure? Just be thankful that there are concerned citizens who ask all the important questions.

I know right this minute there will be those who say Greta should mind her Ps and Qs. Can’t have some young whipper snapper telling us what to do! From my perspective that is just what we need.

Greta is a vegan. That could be used against her. She has a form of autism which shows me that so much can be done with whatever condition we have mentally of physically. Trump, of course, had to say she was not attractive.There you go, something to hang your hat on from the naysayer-in-chief. I rest my case knowing full well I will be told I have this climate change crisis and Greta Thunberg out of whack.

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