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Volunteering at the fair is very rewarding

Sonja makes a plea for volunteers as it gets harder for the BVX to find them
It takes many organizations, such as the Rotary Club, and individuals to keep the fall fair humming along, but organizers are having a hard time finding enough people.

It was a busy summer with travelling and company so I hadn’t planned on volunteering for the fall fair. I kept seeing a plea for help as an organizer for the fairground information booth for volunteers. It niggled at me but I resisted until one of my buddies took a 4-hour shift and she would be alone.

Couple Kathy Ismond's company for an afternoon with an inherent desire on my part to be helpful, I sent a message that I would be there too.

Previous info booth organizer, Annette Maze, along with her husband Ray, were at the booth when we got there.  Annette has 20 years of experience and is rich in the knowledge of what and where things are happening. We could follow her lead.

Who would think that working at an information booth would be an adventure, but that it is.

We had the schedule, fair book, ball caps and t-shirts but more than that was the fun and pleasure of being helpful. 

We got to help someone find first aid, let the grounds know that the ATM was out of cash, direct people to the bathrooms, water stations, and best of all, where to find ice cream.

Our fall fair is always in need of volunteers.  A lot more volunteers than they have at present.  We had to close the information booth at 6 p.m. because there wasn’t anyone to take that shift. We were also aware when we left on Saturday that the organizer might have to man the booth herself the next day.  

Re/Max takes care all of the parade preparation and organizing.  They put up the barriers and organize the floats. Many other groups or businesses such as the Smithers District Chamber of Commerce also have a team of volunteers needed to man their booths.

The fair needs individuals too.

As I walked by the bandstand I saw Kevin Widen. That was a blast from the past. Kevin has been doing sound as long as my memory serves. His nephew Ryan is managing it now. It is a family affair.

The fair needs young people. The general manager, Jan McClary, said it is getting harder to find volunteers. She said "come as a family for the halls." 

The halls need a large number of volunteers to set up tables, take entries and get them placed into their right category. 

Sandwiches, fruit and meat and cheese plates are at the food shed for volunteers, which is also run by volunteers. They can use some help making up plates and taking them to people who can’t leave their stations, such as the livestock area.  

Please think about volunteering at the Bulkley Valley Exhibition next year.  It can use your help.

If you have items for the column please call Sonja at 250-847-4414 or email