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Tyhee not just for the dogs

Writer wants dog owners to better control their pets at the park.


Dog owners who keep a dog or dogs to mind their property and/or who know their dog/s has a tendency to be aggressive around strangers should be mindful that, while Park regulations might be a little relaxed after the season and in the winter months people other than them still use the park for various recreation activities.

It is very upsetting when one is standing quietly at the lake shore minding their own business watching for birds or the like to suddenly be approached by a very aggressive dog not on a lead. Fortunately the owner was close by and took control of the animal.

The park is there for all of us to enjoy and I should not have to be concerned about walking in the park for fear of being attacked by an aggressive dog or dogs. If owners are aware their dog/s have a tendency to be aggressive they should ensure that they are kept under control at all times and especially when walking in the park. They should also be aware there are community by-laws as well as park regulations regarding aggressive dogs and dogs running free.


Ray Fletcher
