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Tolerate our errors

Writer says in Canada, we allow and encourage everyone to seek and find their own god(s).

In reply to Ms. Jong (published Dec. 6 and Nov. 29): We live in a world of many moralities, a world where evil and good are often the same, a world where people do what they do to keep their sanity and their well-being. It is highly imperfect, at times disgusting. It is also wonder-filled and warm to the heart.

In Canada we allow and encourage everyone to seek and find their own god(s), respecting their understanding of life and the path each chooses. We are immensely messed up in creating our beauty, but that is us — sometimes we help, sometimes we hinder in our search for ourselves. Let us be. There no “One Way” as your faith promulgates. Please stop the preaching, tolerate our errors, as we tolerate yours.

Keith Cummings
