My three-year-old daughter asked me for a peanut butter and banana sandwich yesterday. That isn’t unusual except she would always ask me for a “penis-buddAH and nana sammy.”
This time she very clearly and very perfectly said “PEEEEE NUT butter and banana sandwich.”
I almost died. I did cry a little before making the lunch order. Of course, we want our children to speak clearly and well. We want them to grow up and mature. But oh man, sometimes it catches you off guard.
All of a sudden, I looked at her and couldn’t believe how tall she is. I’m pretty sure her legs sprouted a couple of inches overnight.
We recently got rid of the crib and put her in a big girl bed. I thought I would be emotional about giving away our crib. The same bed I laid three little babies to sleep in. (Or at least tried to. My babies never slept.)
But I weirdly wasn’t sad. I was happy to give the crib to a new home. And I was happy to get my daughter a big girl bed, mostly because it was getting hard for me to crawl out of her crib in the middle of the night.
Moving her into a real bed was a good move, everyone felt good about it. However, for some odd reason, hearing her say words perfectly clearly that she stumbled over just last week made me emotional.
I recently heard a quote that said, “The sad part about motherhood is that you're raising the one person you can't live without… to be able to live without you.”
My mom still teaches me things and holds my hand through a lot of things. I guess in the end, I don’t want my kids to need me but to want me.
I feel like ever since I became a mom, time flies. Every day goes by faster than the one before. I am trying to soak it all in and to enjoy the little moments.
It isn’t always easy but I am grateful to watch my children grow.