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Not weedeating, weed eating

Brenda expounds upon the culinary delights of local flora

I am now a weed eater. Really. I graze around my property looking for weeds to eat. My favourite is chickweed. Mild tasting and oh-so-good for you. I know you probably have already sprayed this dainty delicacy with some chemical concoction just to rid your world of something that could help you in many ways.

It aids in constipation. Solving it ,not getting it. It might help with stomach issues , blood disorders and asthma. You could make a poultice with chickweed to help ease the pain from arthritis. I recall my mother would make a poultice of chickweed and mud for bee stings. It also works for getting wounds to heal. You can can make a chickweed tea which will give you benefits for your stomach.

Chickweed also helps remove hairballs. This, of course, would best for your cat.

I eat dandelion leaves. I find them to be bitter when they have been around for awhile. How about boiled fireweed stalks? These too are best when they are quite small. Boil the stalks , add butter and you have something healthy.

If you have an aversion to eating stuff in the bush you could get yourself some parsley. Just this very day I bought the plants as well as some seeds. If you don’t have space to grow stuff, parsley is always in the grocery store. Mind you, it would be very easy to have a plant in your living space. You will not be accused of eating weeds when you have a sprig of parsley.

Here is the business about parsley. It might reduce some cancer risks. Improved immune function is always good. Beats inflammation and protects blood vessels. Balances blood sugar. Loaded with vitamins and minerals as well as potassium.

You could make a detox shake with parsley, cucumber, lemon juice, one apple, celery, ginger powder and water. Muck it up in a blender and you are good to go. I mean that in the nicest way. I guess this detox mixture would work well using chickweed.

If you are on a few medications maybe ask your doctor if it is OK to become a weed eater.

Avoid chemicals-eat a weed.

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