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Life is a bowl of (frozen) cherries

Brenda discoveries a possible deliciousness and health connection

You know what they say –“we are what we eat.” In my case, I hope that is not true. I am what I am which in itself could be an issue. Just the same, I have some good news for you today. I have found a food I must discuss with you. This topic came to mind the other day after I bought and ate a bag of frozen dark sweet cherries.

I said to myself, something tasting this good must be healthy for me. So, I hooked up to the Google people and found out about dark sweet cherries. They are loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. To top that, I am told cherries might slow down the aging process. Maybe a tad late for that one. These gems might ward off some chronic illnesses like heart disease, Alzheimer’s, diabetes and obesity. “Life is a bowl of cherries.”

The anti-inflammatory aspect might ward off some of our aches and pains. Tempers the pain from gout. Here’s one of my favourite benefits: Eating cherries just might reduce belly fat. Mind you a reduction in blood pressure or cholesterol might not go amiss.

Cherries promote melatonin production. They also have lots of fibre. To wrap this up in a tidy healthy bow I am told by those in the know that there is a 65 per cent lower rate of mortality when a cup of cherries is eaten every day. Not sure how soon one should start that routine.

The cherries I bought were a President’s Choice product. I am sure there are other varieties. Worth a try I figure.

Just a little added bit here today. I enjoyed a coffee at Mountain Eagle Books last week. As usual, I am impressed with the people who come there. This day I had a chance to talk to some younger people. Simon was a bonus to talk to as was James. Janet and David served friendship and hugs to those who needed it. Old friends like Max shared some musical tidbits. Others there added a friendly flavour to a good morning coffee. Maybe see you there.

From cherries to friendship. There must be a connection.

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