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Art project morphs into social media history site for Ted Widen

Widen started researching to paint the Telkwa River and ended up attracting thousands of followers
Ted Widen in his studio with his painting of the Telkwa River.

For Ted Widen the seed of what was to become a passion began in 2021 when he thought he would paint an elevated viewpoint of the Telkwa River.

He wanted the river bank to be correct and started researching old buildings.

“It became confusing, trying to make sense. Buildings need sequence,” he said.

Ted reached out to Doug Boersema, then curator of the Telkwa museum, to help him work out the early days of Telkwa. They began comparing buildings from The Interior News as early as 1910.

The Bulkley Valley Museum and The Interior News both archive old photos. Ted got the gist. He roughed in his painting of the river and quickly realized he still didn’t know enough.

His wife Stanza, a published artist, had taught Ted to paint. When he needed to be her caregiver he put his painting aside. 

He found he had lots of computer time. While in Edmonton, he started the ever-growing Facebook site, Bulkley Valley History, which gains 25-30 new members per week.

What makes this site work so well is its members, with special mention to the admin team. Marnie Morris and Norman Flint, have kept the site on track. Bulkley Valley History is about the facts.

The rules when you apply to join will be strictly adhered to. Its intent is content without confrontation. It is the admin's job to separate out personal feelings of the past. History is history.

The amazing interest the people of our valley have in history is not just in places, it is the connections of people.

And it comes together, often piece by piece. 

Ted posted a picture of a wedding photo: four people in front of a classy-looking vehicle and in front of a square-hewn log building, the McDonald House in Telkwa.

Mary Irvine responded: “This is my grandparent, Clarence and Winnifred Goodacre’s wedding photo. So cool that MacDonald family descendant Brook is currently residing in the original homestead."

Betty Goodacre responded, “My grandparents too! Thank you for posting this.

And Ted Widen replied, “Mary it does my heart good to hear we made a connection like that for you!”

Morgan Powell did an article in the Dec. 15, 2023 edition of The Interior News about Ted Widen and included his Bulkley Valley History site. The site, at the time of that writing, had 3,700 members.

At this writing, July 29, 2024, three years to the day after his first post about sharing the history of our valley — it has 4,760 members.

If you know of an item that could have a story for this column please email or call me at 250-847-4414.