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Tornado touches down in Houston B.C.

VIDEO: Tornado briefly touches down in Houston, B.C.

A small tornado that touched down briefly the afternoon of July 4 doesn’t appear to have caused any damage.

A quick-thinking Jordan Porth, the owner of Happy Jack’s Restaurant and Bar, caught the tornado on video, though he does say he probably shouldn’t have been driving and filming at the same time.

“It happened so fast I just grabbed the camera,” Porth exclaimed.

“We are wondering if anyone else saw the tornado or if there was any damage, but I couldn’t see any.”

The tornado appears to touch down on the east side of Houston, close to a grouping of greenhouses and by an industrial park but does not appear to have caused damage. No one contacted the RCMP.

Tornados or “dust devils” are rare events in the northwest, although they do happen on occasion.

One touched down in Smithers in 2011, hitting a rental warehouse and garage causing heavy damage and ripping off the garage roof.

BC Hydro commented that there were no service disruptions in the Houston area on July 4.

READ MORE: Mini tornado tears up vehicle storage facility near Smithers

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