A structure fire near Tyhee Lake caused minor injuries for a man and destroyed two trailers Monday night.
The fire on Hislop Road was in the regional district and just outside of the Telkwa fire suppression district.
“When we arrived on scene we discovered it wasn’t within our district and forestry was already on scene and they asked us to help them keep the fire from spreading before their crews arrived,” said Fire Chief Laurence Turney.
Both structures were lost in the fire.
“They were fully engulfed when we arrived and there was no saving them,” added Turney.
BC Hydro was also called in.
“It is a common thing for us to have hydro shut off power to structures to provide us with a safer environment,” he said.
An ambulance transported the person living at the property to hospital to deal with reported burns to his hands, but he was later released from hospital that night.
Turney added that given the dry conditions and the location of the blaze, things could have been much worse.
“It was one of those things that looked bad and there was a lot of combustibles there but it didn’t spread, it could have gotten into the woods pretty quickly but it didn’t,” he said. “Luckily there was a bit of a cleared area and the road helped stopped the spread.”