Approximately 1,800 people in Smithers and Telkwa were without power for over four hours last night as a result of a vehicle crashing into a BC Hydro pole on Highway 16 at Weme road near Telkwa according to BC Hydro northern community relations manager Bob Gammer.
The accident took place just after 11 p.m Smithers RCMP corporal Kevin Christensen said.
The crash knocked the BC Hydro pole off its base and appears to have taken out an entire power circuit Gammer said.
Power was lost immediately after the accident but was restored just before 4 a.m.
Christensen said Smithers RCMP is investigating the incident as speed and alcohol are believed to be factors in the crash.
The driver of the vehicle was taken to Bulkley Valley Regional Hospital by paramedics for serious but non-life threatening injuries.
Initial reports show the driver was ejected from the vehicle during the incident but the RCMP is still trying confirm if this took place Christensen said.