For the past 9 years I’ve been the Constituency Assistant at the MLA Stikine office in Hazelton where I’ve advocated for Hazelton-area residents to get the services they deserve, promoted and supported community events and worked to improve economic opportunities. Previous to that I worked as a forest technician for 15 years for the Ministry of Forests, BC Timber Sales and various other forestry contractors. I’ve lived in Hazelton all of my life except for the few years I lived in Smithers and worked for the CNR. I have sat on many boards and have volunteered in the community for many years. Currently, I am on the board of the Upper Skeena Recreation Centre, the Chair of Skeena Ice Arena, and a coach for Hazelton youth Soccer.
What are your top priorities for Hazelton council over the next four years?
As a single mother of a young daughter I strongly believe healthy opportunities for families living in Hazelton and the surrounding communities are essential. That is why my top priority is continuing the work of the previous council to complete the Upper Skeena Recreation Centre that will be the foundation of creating healthy lifestyles for young people that they will take into their adult lives. It will also be a great place for our elder community members to meet and keep active so they can continue to enjoy the close connections we have in our village. I look forward to the opening of the facility this fall and working on expanding the programs for community members in a financially responsible manner.
My other priorities include:
grants for beautification of public spaces and incentives for sprucing up of retail, business and non-profit organizations exterior building appearances;
building on the existing partnership council has with the Gitanmaax Band to improve infrastructure supporting the social and economic well-being of our citizens;
improving existing community recreational infrastructure like the lower field at the old high school so it is more useable for soccer, baseball and a walking track.
On a personal note, I have been a part of the Hazelton Council for many years…I started when I was approximately 4 years old. My mom was on council for 6 years and then was the Mayor for 46 years. It is part of my life. I am proud of the accomplishments the Village of Hazelton Mayor and council have done over the years. I am proud to be the daughter of the Mayor of Hazelton and I hope that people will vote again for the Hazelton council. I am one of 4 new people who have put their names in for a council position.