Telkwa is planning ahead for growth and doing a Highway 16 well water treatment feasibility study.
The village is anticipating increased water demand from the community because of proposed subdivisions and other developments.
The Telkwa water treatment plant is at capacity and the village wants to increase the volume of drinking water.
According to village staff, a viable alternative would be the treatment of the groundwater from the Highway 16 well for manganese.
Telkwa owns and operates the Highway 16 well which is currently only used for water demand exceeding the water treatment plant capacity during the summer, and for emergencies or planned interruptions.
The manganese concentration from the well exceeds the maximum acceptable concentration in drinking water.
The village is required to issue a water quality advisory when that well is used. Northern Health has allowed the village to operate the well for short durations to supplement the water treatment plant flow without requiring a water quality advisory, but the details and parameters have not yet been formalized with Northern Health.
Village staff reached out to WSP, a local engineering firm, for a cost on the Highway 16 well water feasibility study and received a $35,000 estimate.
While staff offered to prepare a request for quotes, they advised village council to use WSP because of their professional expertise and knowledge of the village’s water woes. It will also expedite the investigation regarding the feasibility of increased usage of the Highway 16 well, staff suggested.
Village council agreed and directed staff to award the contract to WSP for $35,000.