The Bulkley Valley Farmers’ Market is up and running in the outdoor market that runs every Saturday in the Museum/Art Gallery parking lot, on the corner of Highway 16 and Main Street, from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm.
Local produce, handmade arts, and crafts, along with local honey, jams and other goods are available from local farmers, bakers, carpenters, nurseries and artisans.
The first day was well attended and everyone enjoyed getting starts for the garden, fresh produce, and there was an array of different items to choose from, with the promise from the vendors there would be more to come each weekend.
People were able to visit for the first time, some since COVID started, but all were respectful to wear masks and keep appropriate distance, while enjoying being in the outdoor market again. It had a reunion feel in the air as people laughed and browsed together.
READ MORE:Fire dept. prepares for wildfire season
From the market, it was easy to see all of the fire trucks and equipment outside and people coming and going from the fire hall, so I wandered over to find they were holding courses this weekend for the personnel and had all the rigs outside.
There were curious people like myself dropping by, and people bringing their kids to see the trucks, which the firefighters were happy to show off.
From the fire hall I wandered over to Rotary Park by Subway where I found members of the Rotary selling raffle tickets to help raise money for the Cycle 16 project. The members were also selling Looney Tooney tickets that raise money for a variety of different projects the Rotary supports. They told me they will return next Saturday, May 6, to continue selling tickets.
READ MORE: Smithers Rotary Club continues to give during difficult times
I headed up Main Street and found people shopping, eating at different outdoor venues, and generally just out enjoying themselves. In passing folks, I heard people greeting each other, with lots of laughter and visiting. As I chatted with people along the way, I found everyone felt the sense of relief and joy to be out and about after a very long and hard winter.
It was a beautiful reminder of the wonderful people and places we have in the Bulkley Valley, and as life gets back to a small bit of normal, you can feel the happiness in the air.
When I crossed the Bulkley River to go home, I saw two people on paddleboards going under the bridge, so I drove to Lunan Road and snapped a couple of pictures as they smiled and waved heading to shore. Just another playground to enjoy in our collective backyard.
Over in Telkwa, the much-anticipated ice cream stand is open once again, with many enjoying their cones while looking at the outdoor Museum, and kids running around with ice cream dripping down their happy faces.
People were enjoying the view of the high river levels from Eddy Park, and looking at the construction of the water lines running down from Tower Street.
Others were enjoying the riverside trail for a walk or jog, and everyone had a happy “hello” as they went by.
All in all, it was a fantastic day to be out and around our communities.
READ MORE: Artisans once again allowed to sell at BC Farmers Markets
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