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Education by the numbers

There are 1,566 public schools and 360 independent schools in B.C.

There are 1,566 public schools and 360 independent schools in B.C.

Pending final enrolment count in fall 2018, it is estimated that there will be 538,821 funded public school students in the 2018-19 school year. This would be an increase of 1,737 students since 2017 (school-aged and adult, funded full-time equivalent students).

Based on student head-count in the 2017-18 school year, there were:

69,685 students with special needs in the province — 3,020 more than the year before

70,487 Indigenous students in the province — 1,299 fewer than the year before

67,375 English language learning (ELL) students in the province — 1,092 more than the year before

5,940 francophone students in the province — 249 more than the year before

54,063 French immersion students in the province — 295 more than the year before

84,995 independent school students — 1,525 more than the year before

Achievement – six-year completion rate 2016-17

84% of all public school students are completing high school.

87% of English language learners in public schools are completing high school.

99% of francophone students in Conseil Scolaire Francophone School Board are completing high school.

96% of French immersion students in public schools are completing high school.

66% of all Indigenous students in public schools are completing high school.

Investments in learning

$6.6 billion for K-12 education this year, and $2 billion in seismic upgrades and school construction over the next three years.

In the 15 months of the current government, operating funding was increased by over $580 million.

Government invested close to $420 million in the classroom-enhancement fund last year to hire up to 3,700 new teachers and specialty teachers in classrooms throughout British Columbia. A similar investment for the 2018-19 school year is expected.

Funding to schools in B.C. for students with special needs is approximately $1 billion in the 2018-19 school year, including basic student funding and supplemental funding.

School districts receive $53 million through CommunityLINK and $11.2 million via the vulnerable student supplement each year to help them fund programs that support vulnerable children and youth.

Learning environment

Government will invest a record $2 billion in school capital projects over the next three years.

Since September 2017, government has announced 33 school capital projects, for a total investment of $638.4 million.

This includes 15 new or upgraded schools and site purchases for future schools and 18 seismic upgrades or replacements.

These projects will create 4,630 new student spaces and 9,854 seismically safer seats.

Government has created a new, ongoing $5-million annual playground equipment fund for school districts to buy new or replacement playground equipment. This will reduce the need to for parents to fundraise for needed school playgrounds.

This year, 26 schools received $90,000 for a standard playground and 25 schools received $105,000 for a universally accessible playground.

About the Author: Rod Link

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