Every two years, the Smithers Art Gallery gives youth an opportunity to have their art displayed in formal setting and gives gallery patrons a glimpse into the creative minds of emerging artists.
"From highly technical and skilled renderings, to unique, imaginative expressions, this show covers many media and styles: pencil, pastel, ceramic, paper, paint, digital, and more," the gallery said in a press release.
"For many students, this will be the first time they see their work in a professional gallery. While some may go on to become professional artists and creators, all will likely develop a lasting relationship with the visual arts and galleries for the future."
The exhibition is currently running at the gallery until Feb. 22. It features dozens of contributions from youth 8-12 years old.
An opening reception was held and was well-attended on Jan. 31. Artists were on-hand to mingle and discuss their work with the many art-lovers who turned out.