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Songs of the season

Brenda’s update on the lynx, one-eyed deer, three-legged buck, and birds at her cabin in the woods.
Brenda Mallory

Here I am with a nice cup of cranberry tea and in the mood to tell you about how things are at this cabin in the woods.

I thought I would have a few spring things to mention. I was asked today if I had seen any robins. Not yet but I have heard the chickadees singing their little song of the season.

Earlier today as I walked the dogs and a couple ravens, I realized the ravens must be planning something in the family way. Both ravens hop along behind me waiting for a treat from the pocket of my old work coat.

Other birds on the scene now are lots of chickadees, nuthatches, many redpolls, woodpeckers, flickers. One interesting bird I don’t often see at the feeders is the red crossbill. Four grouse feed on scattered deer grain.

The lynx still hangs around the house looking for the grouse and rabbits. I am sure he would be happy to savour my old dump cat. No luck catching the cat since I make sure he is with me when outside. My little dog is on a leash for walks.

Up to 20 deer come here every day-and night. The 17-year-old one-eyed deer shows up daily as does the big buck who lost the bottom part of one his front legs. He manages quite well and certainly appreciates a bit of grain . The deer also enjoy a carrot or two. If you do feed the deer don’t give them too much. With milder weather coming they will find their natural food source. I notice some of the fawns are still quite small so I hope my help will see them through this season.

I also have a pygmy owl. It sits quietly on a branch near the feeding station. Those little owls do not spook too much. This little fellow didn’t mind me at all as it swooped down to take a redpoll.

If the weather does warm up it might be a good time to rake up discarded bird seed. Old wet seed can make birds sick. Sick birds will look a bit puffed up. If you can catch a sick bird, put it in a container of some sort. They do not often live long. Discard the bird in a sensible way. I usually put them in the wood stove.

I have no idea when we can truthfully say spring is coming to us. To me it is the sunny warm days, sitting in the woodshed grooming the dogs and looking at all the animal tracks made by critters as they too enjoy our sunny days.

Dark will fall soon, the temperature is 0 degrees, the wood stove is burning as it should, and I think I have one more cup of tea in the pot. A peaceful end to another day at this cabin.

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