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Gyrating in moo-moo and a worn pair of flip flops

Brenda discusses inconsistencies on how fun in the sun is sold this time of year.
Brenda Mallory

It’s that time of the year! The snow is too deep, the days are too cold and the wood supply is dwindling. The only thing to do is to pack a clean pair of underwear and other things so you can take yourself to a tropical place. Darn good idea if that is your thing.

Now, here is where I have some difficulty. Those companies who hope we will bite the bait show us all best places to visit. Blue waters, clear skies, etc., etc. I ask you who are those people in the ads?

Pre-bronzed and shaved bodies gyrate to music of the locale. Everyone looks as if they have walked out of a high class magazine. I try to imagine myself placed in the scenario. There I would be the tallest lady wearing a moo-moo and a worn pair of flip flops. I might find a dance partner of the same generation. It might be an old poop wearing those baggy man shorts which attempt to support a hairy beer belly. Mind you I could wear the baggy man shorts as well minus the hairy belly.

I am sure they would like to have older folks show up for a vacation. Friends of mine are already in a tropical place or are planning to journey forth any time now. Where do they stay? Do they corral the old folks in a place far from the maddening crowd. It could ruin a photo shoot if a gaggle of seniors stagger through the area.

I have seen some ads for the river trips in Europe. The people they show are trying to look like seniors or less in age. Still they don’t look like older people I know. Not a soul had stray facial hairs. Same goes for the men. These folks look closer to me being able to have an age appropriate discussion about whatever.

Maybe it is just me. I have an idea I am better off closing my big gate. I can do my day’s work in my baggy pants, an old t-shirt and my man-sized shoes. A close-up of me would not entice anyone to travel from far and wide to live in my world.

Before I leave you today I must thank all of you who took time to comment on the column where I discussed racism with you. Very interesting.

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